
Yahoo 360 is conspiring against me...?

by  |  earlier

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okay how the heck do you add friends in 360? i've been trying to add one particular contact and it doesn't add her!

and no, she's not rejecting my request because she tried to add me too and it doesn't let her either. help!




  1. This is likely a 360 glitch, since recently people have asked similar questions in this category. Often Yahoo burps up messages (like testimonials and invitations) that should have been received long ago. Some people have problems with their Top Page comments as well. There's nothing you can do about it, except wait and hope the problem resolves itself. Problems receiving (and sending) messages have happened before. See for more details on 360 glitches.

    NOTE: Yahoo! 360 is transitioning to a new system in the second half of 2008. Click on the "Yahoo!360 News" link in the upper right corner of your 360 space or go to for more details. However, the Y!360 team is no longer addressing 360 glitches.

    Permissions are what allows you to do anything on a person's page. If you are not part of the group that's allowed to post a comment, then that's why you're unable to do so (unless there's a glitch involved with the Top Page comments). See and for more information.

    UPDATE: Also, sometimes 360 glitches force you to post a comment more than once. That's just how it is. Copy comments before you submit them.

  2. The reason you are having so many problems with your 360 account is ..

    We are losing our Yahoo 360 accounts very soon according to the Yahoo product blog you can access by going to this link:

    There are many problems that will not be fixed by Yahoo on the 360, and they are getting worse each passing day.

    I urge you to go to the product blog and read the information for the last three postings by yahoo about all of the changes that are coming to us soon.

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