
Yahoo ANWSERSconacts,please explain ?

by  |  earlier

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this girl added me as her contact in YAHOO ANWERS what does this mean.does she want to be freiinds and contact me,how can i contact her?




  1. It means that she liked a question you asked or an answer you gave.

    She will be able to see your questions and answers in the future...this helps if you share some of the same ideas about things or new info that she wants to know...

    You don't have to contact her.

    On your accont setting, you choose whether you want to allow email or instant messaging (so if she has one of those options available, you could contact her that way).   Another option is  to answer one of her questions and tell her you still have a question ...maybe she can contact you. (Or ask another Q in the same category that you did, or one she frequents.)

  2. if you want to contact her then do so she might have added you as she just wanted to talk ao as they say like your answers you give its not a bad thing just means they like you

  3. If someone becomes your contact, they like your questions and answers.

    Click in their profile and if they allow IM or emails, you can click on the email option in profile and send messages.

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