
Yahoo/AP news "reporters" would fail Journalism 101 - trying to slant for the Dems no matter the facts?

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"The Democratic rapid response team in Denver scrambled to get Kansas Gov. Kathleen Sebelius on a media conference call to respond to Palin, whose hard-hitting speech ignited Republican excitement and was favorably received by television commentators.

"Gov. Palin, I think, did a good job last night. ... She mastered the words written by the Bush speechwriters and clearly delivered them well," Sebelius said. "What we heard last night was a lot of partisan attacks and no real solutions."


Written by Bush speechwriters? -- where's the facts to support that? why would anyone say, much less publish a BOLD and outright lie or at least a supposition that's slanted for its connotations (which is the Democrats' party line to attach McCain's candidacy to the Bush terms).




  1. Even if it was a Bush speechwriter, who cares.  If someone is talented, you get them for the job.  If you needed your house painted, would you turn down the best painter in town just because he painted the house of someone you dislike?  Of course not, so why does it make any difference in this instance?  Liberals are desperate and willing to use any means to try and tie McCain/Palin to Bush because they know they cannot win on substance alone.

  2. Sarah Palin's speech was written by Matthew Scully.

    Barack Obama wrote his own speech.

    Google it and check it out using a reputable source.

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