
Yahoo Answers Ban.?

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Why wont yahoo answers ban questions about u.f.o.s, aliens, 2012, Nibiru and the end of the world from the astronomy and space category?




  1. "What do you care anyways? "

    ever stopped to consider maybe we don't want to read the same 4 questions every few hours just to get to the REAL questions.....?

  2. Well I agree with you. YA was probably started with the best of intentions, being a place where the free exchange of information would be of benefit to everybody.

    But it's turned into kids and people who think they're being 'clever' or 'funny' by beating some of these dead horses over and over again. The original intent of 'Ask. Answer. Discover.' is not served by repeated questions about 2012 or the moon landings or people just asking for opinions. One I saw today was "What would happen if Neptune fell into the sun?" It's a bit like asking what would you think if terrorists broke into your house and tried to remove your eyes with a corkscrew. What should anyone think? Why bother asking something like that?

    Yes, I could just ignore those questions, and I do for the most part. But why should I be the one who has to govern my behavior? Yahoo isn't showing any responsibility, neither are the morons who ask these questions (sometimes over and over). I've tried to take a few of these posters to task for wasting everyone's time, and gotten notes from Yahoo about breaching the T.O.S. for my trouble.

    It's a sad day when people are so afraid of rocking the boat that they allow a minority of questionable intelligence to run the show.

  3. I agree with you. Its been posted toooooo many times. I think previous questions should remain searchable but new NIBIRU questions should be blocked. It doesn't belong in this catagory because it not a science question. Its a fiction or religeon question.

    Yahoo relies on us to flag questions that are offensive or violate YA guidelines. I think mis-catagorized questions violate the guidelines.

  4. In a way I agree with you. They are so utterly mindless.  So common.  But the fact is that stupid questions give me a chance to creatively insult peoples' intelligence.  This is fun.  Most of the time my work is just boredom.  Calling someone an idiot without getting my answer deleted is a challenge.   OK, according to the rules that is BAD.  Very Bad.  I guess I'm a BAD PERSON.  But I get to amuse myself.  This is good.

  5. Why would they? What do you care anyways? Just dont answer those questions if it bothers you that much.  I do not see the big deal.

  6. Better they come to us and get their hearts broken when we tell them the world is not going to end than posting in a different section, hearing exactly what they want to here, and letting idoicy spread even further in the real world... just keep doing what we have always done... tell them why they are an idiot just falling in line with the rest of the idiot sheep.

  7. I don't think they should ban these questions. You don't have to answer them if they bother you. Everybody's learning ability is at different level.

  8. what are you the science police...

    Why don't you take all your zealotry and go to the religion section?

  9. That is a good question, I don't know the answer but I gave it a star.  Those questions should go to "alternative".

  10. You going to volunteer as censor?

    Suppose Yahoo! Answers banned such questions by looking for keywords.  There's a chance that real questions could be banned because they accidentally happened to use one.

    Worse, chance or deliberate misspellings might not be caught.  You'd have people asking about N1b1ru, uf0's, al1ens, the end of the w0rld, instead of astr0n0my questions.

    Yahoo! Answers can't even get people to vote.  I often vote, and one of my own answers shows up.  Eventually, i get "best answer by voters" with exactly one vote.  Well, it did sound like something i'd say.  And of course, in my opinion, i'm the best.

    Let's say you tried to do it totally automagically.  The computer looks for questions that have been recently asked.  I'm starting to get tired of answering eclipse questions.  But many of the questions aren't quite the same.  "Can i see the eclipse from my home town?" is never the same twice.  Would you ban these questions?

  11. Umm, because why the h**l would they?

    Why do you want to censor people?

    That's ridiculous and disgusting.

  12. It is up to each asker to categorise their question, although the computer recommends categories. I imagine Space sounds suitable, for a computer.Also it is hard to think what other section would be suitable. End of the world ones I have also seen in Religion.

    They are not planning on new categories for a while, so sadly all you can do is skip these questions if you feel you cannot give an astronomic answer.

  13. i welcome questions about scince, but this section is so badly polluted with pseudoscientific kook junk as to be a joke.

    there is no point in reporting kook junk, bcuz the yahoo droids don't know the difference between science and kookery either. they also seem to side with the kooks.
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