
Yahoo Answers and Priority for Credit of a Scientific Discovery?

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If I discover a new asteroid and report it here on Yahoo Answers Astronomy and Space section, would it count as establishing my priority over any later discoverers? Or do I have to call Brian Marsden and wake him up?




  1. You don't really have to wake up Brian Marsden, just submit your observations as per the instructions at the link below.

    It is a little more complicated.  They like you to get a track record of decent observations of well-known targets first before giving you an observatory code but after that just submit away!  Discovery priority can be a little complicated.  They usually like a minimum of two nights observation and it is possible that if someone else makes a greater number of contemporaneous observations (making a greater contribution to the computation of a secure orbit) they might get the discovery credit.

    Check out Peter Birtwhistle's website to see how he does it.

  2. You should write up your discovery and send the manuscript to the scientific journal that specializes in the area of your discovery.

    The editor will then send the manuscript to referees, who are experts in the field. They will critique your manuscript and if they think it's correct they will recommend publication. Then you will have priority as of the date of submission of the manuscript to the journal.

    Good luck.

  3. It won't count if you post it here. I'd wake up Brian Marsden if I were you.  

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