
Yahoo Board Picture Avatar?

by  |  earlier

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I don't know how to create a Yahoo avatar / picture. I don't want to have this boring face you see now. How can I put a Yahoo avatar or my own picture there?




  1. at yahoo avatar pick one or make up a cool one just for you ,

    they have backgrounds, hair color, eye color, clothes, and much more stuff to choose from.

  2. Avatar:

    Go to and create one. If it doesn't show up automatically when you return to Y! Answers, go to your My Q & A section, click "Edit my info" and then, select 'Use my avatar' and save.

    If you want to use a non-Y! avatar:

    You'd need to create a Y! 360 page @ [I think you need to be over 18 though; just sign in with your Y! email account ID]

    Upload the picture you want to use. Then, select it as your primary photo on Y! 360.

    Return to Y! Answers, go to "Edit my info" in your "My Q & A" section.. then select "Use my Y! 360 picture" then save.

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