
Yahoo Domain Personal Address Not Forwarding Any More?

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I have had yahoo personal address and they host my domain and the domain has always forwarded to my personal web site.

It has stopped working in the past few days and has been "iffy" for a few weeks.

The "Domain Control Panel" does not list "forwarding" next to this domain (i think bc i didnt buy at yahoo, they just host?).

And these instructions: dont work because the links they refer to dont exist anymore.

I have written support and havent heard back. Help!




  1. My domain name has stopped redirecting and has been iffy too.  I actually went to your link, followed the directions and made it through to the page I am used to (have been using it since '02). Here is where you can manage your services:  

    Now this is where it gets confusing.  This page displays a list of options, and you need to go to "email accounts".  On that screen, click "web address settings" on the top right.  Then, you'll be on a page where you can tell Yahoo where you want your domain forwarded.

    Thanks for pointing ME in the right direction!

    btw, I did get an email from yahoo about changes in their personal address service.  I'm guessing these services will be glitchy while they do that, but I can't find anything that tells me how long until they're stabilized!

  2. Personal Address no longer exists.  Emails were sent out warning people about the service being taken down and then it was taken down.  There's no one in Yahoo! Small Business who can fix the problem or tell you any more information about it.  Same goes for Geocities VURL.

  3. Not sure if you are using "Yahoo! Small Business" or Yahoo! Personal Address". According to this help file at as "Yahoo! no longer offers the Personal Address service. If you'd like to sign up for personalized email with a matching domain, please sign up for one of our Yahoo! Small Business plans."

    Everywhere I went on "Yahoo! Personal Address", it's all same message as above. So, I can assume you need to sign up for the Yahoo! Business Email with Yahoo! Small Business.

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