
Yahoo Elections Board Is Flooded Today ! Why ? Obama`s Speech Or Sarah Palin As VP Pick ?

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Is this what the Dems wanted the day after their Lord spoke to the "World`s Citizens"?...Of course not...McCain/Palin are dominating the airwaves today. Sorry, Dems/Libs.




  1. Obama is toast

  2. Sarah Palin as VP.. Obama is now yesterdays news.  Obama didn't know what hit him!

  3. LOL-of course not, no doubt they are major ticked. She is young, she has about the same amount of world stage experience as Obama (so they both have no experience) and she will likely be just as engaging a speaker as the O. The ABM camp should be worried. And why is it that they are saying Look at his Veep pick when they went with Biden? Now how is that in step with the voice of change and new world order he is spouting. At least McCain is showing he is a Republican but not the same as what we have some to expect. I applaud his choice. The only better choice would have been Leiberman!

  4. Let 'dem Dem's take a back seat where they belong. **Do the wave** Woh Woh Woh ♥ ∞

  5. Today or yesterday doesn't matter. The only day that matters is Nov. 4.

  6. Did Obama give a speech?  Missed that one cause I can't stand to hear his lying a$$ speak.  I AM gleefully aware that John McCain made an AWESOME VP pick this morning.   WOOHOOOOO!!!!!

  7. Old John McCain Flooded His Soggy Depends.    

  8. What you fail to realize is that Obama's speech is fresh in everyone's mind. That is one of the reasons we are laughing our collective butts off at McCain's choice!  Nice enough lady I guess, but her as VP is ridiculous at best!  

    McCain just nailed his sad, little political coffin shut.

  9. I have never seen any part of "Answers" get this may responses to questions.  (Sorry Miley and Jonas Brothers lovers).

    The responses, for the most part, are civil and totally supportive of McCain's choice of Sarah Palin for Vice President.  I think McCain surprised everyone by being the candidate who represents real change and by demonstrating that change by example - the selection of a competent woman for VP.

  10. Sarah Palin. Fresh meat.

  11. OMG! are you kidding Obama speech was Amazing.

    He said Blah Blah CHANGE Blah Blah Blah CHANGE Blah

  12. McCain/Palin for TRUE CHANGE!!!!!



  13. I think the REPUBLICANS just wanted to steal the THUNDER from OBAMA and they were hoping for JUST THIS RUCKUS which they instilled today.

    They think they are taking away from OBAMA but that man is too smart.

    Just wait and see.....the majority of Americans aren't as stupid as the majority of republicans.

    They can say all they want, but when Obama opens his mouth the SUN SHINES FROM IT.

    McPain and his Palin will be PALING by comparison.

  14. Sarah Palin !!!!

    She can toss me a bottle of water anytime...

    Mcain/Palin 08 !

  15. There sure are some furious liberals today.

    I wonder why? lol

  16. You are sorry.  So is your ticket of McSame and Pale-in-comparison.  A senile warmonger and a corrupt gun nut.

  17. Sarah Palin in my opinion.

  18. McCain has  really earned my respect.  He is a formidable foe and Obama has totally underestimated him.   He really pulled the rug on Obama, way to go McCain!

  19. I didn't know much about Governor Palin before today but the more I've learned, the more I like.  It's a great pick by John McCain.  

  20. We have a shorter news cycle now. Y A was flooded with Obama last nite.

  21. LOL, that reminded me of the convention when Spike Lee said time should be divided to BO and AO.  (Before Obama, After Obama)

    Even though I was warming up to Obama, THAT really turned me off!  Obama is not Christ, what the h**l is wrong with people?

  22. Obama gave a speech yesterday. I'm not sure what he said. I was doing something important. Rotating the air in my tires.

    Todays choice was brilliant and steals the news cycle right out from under what should have been Obamas biggest weekend.

    I'm LOVIN this...

  23. Why cant it be BOTH?

  24. I peeked in here last night and I would have guessed everyone would have been sleeping and/or not at the computer.  Wrong.

    Whenever big news hits...Y!A is always flooded.  95% of it is garbage...but it is flooding, never the less.

  25. The Lord Obama's 1000 Commandments coming from Temple Obama last night just don't stand a chance against a beauty pageant contestant who's also tough and smart.

  26. Sarah Palin.

    Obama will fade into darkness!

    The fireworks were too much! Fake!

  27. If John McCain thought that choosing Sarah Palin would attract Hillary Clinton voters, he is badly mistaken.

    The only similarity between her and Hillary Clinton is that they are both women. On the issues, they could not be further apart.

    Sen. McCain had so many other options if he wanted to put a woman on his ticket, such as Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison or Sen. Olympia Snowe -- they would have been an appropriate choice compared to this dangerous choice.

    In addition, Sarah Palin is under investigation by the Alaska state legislature, which makes this more incomprehensible.

  28. We need to stop shipping almost 2 million barrels of OUR OWN  OIL per Day to our enemies and other countries who do not like the USA.

  29. Sarah Palin, not Obamler's lousy speech.

    Sarah Rocks on!

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