
Yahoo Groups Changed my e-mail and now I can't get into my groups.

by  |  earlier

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I had a account and it closed and now I can't get into any of my Yahoo groups even though before the SBC account expired I changed the e-mail in the groups to be the new comcast e-mail address. I created a new yahoo ID but not sure how to merge. When I created the new there was a merge option but there were errors. Now what do I do. I do not want to have to jion these groups all over again. I also had a flickr account I can't get into and would at least like to delete the pictures.






  1. if you go to the groups page:-

    then click on "edit my groups" then select the email address you want under the email address section for each group listed. It should be a drop down box.

  2. was Yahoo your previous ISP provider? Yahoo ID's are to each their own and you'd generally have to rejoin those groups. when SBC closed, all you needed to do was add a new e-mail to your yahoo account- you should be able to log onto Yahoo where ever you are and from the library computer if you needed to. Yahoo is web based unless they're your ISP provider.

    I'm sorry, but you're going to need that old Yahoo ID to go to places you joined under it. if you can still log onto it-

    add e-mail

    go to this link- click add email address on top left- follow steps and confirm address.

    then go to this link click edit my groups on the top left- locate group (if there's more than one) under the column Email Address click the arrow for the drop down box and select new address- click save changes

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