
Yahoo Groups Privacy

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I recently found my private email address published on someone's web site. Here's the problem she published a message that I posted at a Yahoo! group along with the header and all -including my email address.

I have never written this person directly and there is no reason she should have my email address. Here's the problem. I posted the message to a Yahoo! group. (I have email alert turned off) So I log onto and sign in to my groups to read and send messages. I myself never send or receive eMails from Yahoo! groups. I know that they send posts to other members of the group via eMail, what I don't understand is why, when I don't use my actually eMail account, everyone is being sent my eMail address for every message I write at No wonder I am getting so much spam! I mean, Now I'm not even sure if my email address is private when I use

Is there any way to "post" a message through a Yahoo! group and not have my eMail address attached to it, or should I just quit Yahoo! groups?




  1. yahoo groups, or any group for that matter, are generally basing your membership this an e-mail address. they are groups, not forums. when you post to groups, your e-mail address is linked to it.

    some group owners choose the setting to allow members to hide their addresses/ IP's but this choice has it's draw backs and many owners don't alow this.

    there is a new thing where bloggers are taking posts and sending them to their site, totally against Yahoo TOS and probably their blog site as well.

    one choice you have is to use a web based mail with any type of group than your regular e-mail address.

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