
Yahoo Groups page not working?

by  |  earlier

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I can't access sais "cannot find server"




  1. Go to

    This will pull up a list of all the groups you belong to including the one you own. Then click on the group you want to access..

  2. The same for me. The server doesn' t answer since 24 hours.

  3. this isn't effecting alot of users, (meaning it's NOT a global issue) try reporting it for each group you cant connect to

    you generally only get an auto respond- Yahoo rarely directly replies about these tech issues ( doesn't mean they're not working on it just because you get no reply) but they cant fix a group less they know which ones are broke and which servers they're on

  4. Same here, groups page is dead and it looks like Yahoo is not going to fix it soon.

    Such a big community, shame on yahoo!

  5. WoW I'm not crazy. I can't acces it also. Also put a question here. Don't know what the problem is.

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