
Yahoo! Groups?

by  |  earlier

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When I try to e-mail something to a group containing 150 addresses in it, I get an error message stating that there are too many addresses in the send box. How do I fix this so I can reach everyone at once without haveing to create several group addresses?




  1. If you were the owner you could post a message as a special notice, you tick the little box near the bottom of the message,  it  would go to many more members than an ordinary post.  If you are only a member you shouldn't be trying to send to all the other members,in my opinion. that is almost spam  and if I was a member of the group I wouldn't appreciate it.

  2. your e-mail provider has a limit as to how many you can e-mail to at a  time, e-mailing 150 addresses at one time for most providers is considered spam. the actual number is much lower than 150 for most providers. you cant fix that.

    you'd send an e-mail to the groups mailing address, and all members will get it per their mail settings
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