
Yahoo Stock Screener not returning any results?

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Is anyone having a problem with the Yahoo Java stock screener? I have been using it for a couple of months and it has worked fine up until this Monday. When I type in my criteria it returns 0 results. No matter what type of criteria I type in it always returns 0 results. I have been using it for months so I am confident that I know what I am doing. Any advice? Thanks.




  1. I have been using yahoo screener for years and recently have encountered the same problem. I don't get any screener results. I hope yahoo fixes this problem soon.

  2. I've experienced the same thing this matter what I try, I always get 0 results.  I use the Yahoo Stock Screener every week and this past Sunday (June 8) is when it stopped working for me.  I logged this bug with Yahoo but they haven't been able to solve this issue.

  3. Pick one search criterion and set a low value, like P/E greater than 10.  If you still don't get a result, then there may be a problem.  I used it yesterday without any problems.  Try again latter in case it is a server/network issue.  After that e-mail Yahoo and let them know.

  4. It does not seem to be working.  Yahoo does like to make changes to their stuff without properly testing them out.  It will probably be fixed in a week or so if they discover it is not working before then.  I have seen errors continue for some time however--months often.

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