
Yahoo Violation email?

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Who thinks that the Yahoo system is broken? I mean people are getting violation emails left and right just for answering a question, does anyone else think that this should be taken care of? Star this so everyone can see and maybe Yahoo will take care of this issue, sense they lack the common sense to do so....




  1. it definately is.. If you say the sky is blue and someone thinks it's orange, they report you and you get a violation..that's it.. nobody to check and verify that..they don't care.. I just a notice because I said that illegals don't need to be here if they can't come  here LEGALLY.. someone got their feelings hurt.. BOO hoo.. I just laughed.. didn't bother me.. i will still continue to state how I really feel.. send me notices.. I don't know.. they are not hurting my feelings one bit.. just because some idiot thinks they "control" YA, doesn't mean they are right but you are right, someone at YA needs to start caring about this

  2. You should see the Politics board.

    But, Y! Q&A was invented as a response to all of the spam and bots that invaded their chat rooms.

    1999-2002 was the golden age of Chat Rooms.

    People actually shared ideas from people overseas.  

    I remember having in depth discussions with people from around the world right after the September 11 attacks.

    But then, so many bots got into the chat rooms to spam some webcam or a p**n site, that you could be in a room with 30 people, and it was just you and 29 bots.

  3. I get 5 violations and 7 best answers everyday

  4. That's not yahoo.  You get a violation email when another user reports your question or answer as a violation of the guidelines.  If you don't agree, you can appeal the violation and maybe get your question/answer reinstated.  If this happens enough, the person who reported you won't have the power to report in the future.

  5. people report it like little b*****s when we just tell the truth

  6. Welcome to the Yahoo cesspool.

    And regardless of the rebuttals to the violation notices, and telling them to start looking at the history of the one violating everyone, nothing ever happens.

    I am quiet certain it's college interns that run the violations format and really don't care what goes on.

  7. I get bogus violation notices all the time.  

    However, I don't get email notification, and can't appeal them.

    Not that that has ever done any good.

    Y!A is broken.  They really have to do something about the abusers of the VN who are ruining it for everyone.

  8. Just yesterday i got a violation email 4 not answering a question!!!

    And i don't even know why i got it!!!

    It didn't even say why i got it.

    I have had one before but some people when ur trying 2 tell them something they take it as being rude. I mean ur only trying 2 tell them how to fix what they need done.

    And yes some people r rude to others but i don't think that the people that aren't trying 2 be rude should get violated.

    I don't get violated every day but i feel sorry 4 the people that do that didn't even mean anything by what they said. So they shouldn't be violated if they didn't even mean 2 be rude so why should they even report them.

    They should only report them if they r being rude or it is a life or death situation for instance.

    This girl asked how 2 heal a baby cuzz it was very sick and this guy put give it a pill.

    U don't give it a pill it can choke and die.

    U immediatly take it to the hospital, if it is a life or death situation  u should take it to the hospital.

    And i do think this does need 2 be taken care of before it gets 2 outa hand.

    Like i said only the rude and the people that might effect a life or death situation. The people who r not rude should not be violated if they didn't mean anything by the answer they put down. And i do hope that yahoo answers does take care of this issue.

    It is a serios conflict now.

    Hope this helps!!!

    I'm following u 100% in hope that this gets stopped.

    Thank You for asking that question, maybe it will help other yahoo answers users!!!

  9. that's becuz people always report you if they don't like ur sucks...and i always try to appeal it!

  10. yahoo answers system for deleting questions and answers is absolutely pathetic.  It and the people working in this department are an absolute joke.  People that lack intelligence get frustrated because other people answer a question that they can not think of a response for so they just report the question or answer as a violation and Yahoo deletes it without bothering to check if it actually violates anything or not.  Yahoo is empowering and encouraging unintelligent people to lie and cheat by doing this.  It is really poor on yahoos part, I expected better from them.  When you respond to the violation email you get a generic answer that is obviously just the same response sent to anyone that responds to the violation email.  Sorry Yahoo that you may actually have to do some work at work, I guess you are too busy surfing the web at other sites to take care of your own.


  11. In general, responses that are considered harassing, demeaning, belittling, etc., can in fact be considered violations of the ToS, though Yahoo generally doesn't do much about them unless it's blatantly so.

    Rather than being confrontational in your criticisms, you might actually try a little psychology in your skepticism to make your statements more convincing without the need to demean or belittle what someone else believes.

    It's best to admit that unexplained phenomena are unexplained, rather than jumping to the conclusion that it's fake, false, etc., based on preconceived notions about what's rational or not (and preconceptions are, by nature, irrational to begin with, when someone wants to present evidence that a notion might be incomplete or incorrect).

    I've noticed the overall tendency on more than one occasion to belittle someone's belief without actually encouraging the believers into being rational and questioning what they believe, instead trying to force people to think in a given way. By definition, this is proselytizing, and is not a rational behavior on the part of those being skeptical. It has little to do with "telling the truth" when all you're doing is rudely bashing what someone else wants to believe (even if what they want to believe is that little green men force-feed them pasta every night as they preach the Book of the Revelation, and that's why they're fat... or whatever).

    If you're going to convince someone else to think rationally, you have to use real rationality and critical thinking, not simply rejecting that they believe it out of hand... it drives them further into the belief you disagree with, rather than encouraging them to actually have some degree of self-questioning.
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