
Yahoo: Why CORRECT answers often are rejected?

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I try to answer CORRECTLY to questions, which one can answer correctly or wrongly.

I regard this as a free service, which is connected often with some efforts (in a foreign language). My answers however quite often are not estimated.

Thumbs descend. The questioner honors a wrong answer. Or by tuning votation any imbecility is raised to the truth.

Better I to stop answering your questions?




  1. Its better to realize there are a lot of goofballs on here who just write and do whatever because they have nothing better to do.  If someone gives you a thumbs down, you could always add more to your answer but I recommend you just dont take it so seriously. Watch all the people give me a thumbs down.

  2. I believe that people choose the answer they wanted to hear rather than the correct one. You also have to remember some people just like to write random things to get a reaction. But yes keep answering

  3. I agree that this happens.  It has happened to me several times.  I think the reason it occurs is because someone else gives an answer that sounds right, even though it is wrong.  The asker accepts that answer at face value without checking it out on the web.  Or sometimes, the person already has their mind made up and they don't want to be bothered by the facts.  

    I wish that in these cases, the asker did a little research to discover which answer is correct.  But some people just want a quick and easy answer.

    Now, I usually try to supply a link, and urge the asker to read it.  I'm sure that helps when they do read the information.  But sometimes they don't bother.  

    I have learned to just accept that and go on to the next question.  I refuse to let it upset me....Ok, it upsets me a little, and sometimes I will make a comment at the "comment" link.  But I never know if they read that either.  

    Don't stop answering.  There are a lot of responsible people who ask questions and carefully consider the answers.  To those folks, I say thank you!

  4. You dont get best answer becasue your answers are s**t.

    See - its just a matter of opinion!

    Lots of people on here are soapboxing.  Particularly Pro-Life nutjobs and the pro-immigration crowd, who think its better to be nice to people and share than to protect what you've worked hard to get.  They dont want to hear any answers that might question their blinkered view of the world.

    The absolute worst people on here though, are the blockers.  They block for no reason, then answer your answer with some pithy thing they think is funny.  In said cases, I log on as another user and burn the cowardly fukers alive.

    But yeah - its annoying to put effort into an answer, and then see some kid talking in txt speak get best.  You've got to remember that you're dealing with morons....

  5. Well I think people just won't to pick answer they are aligned with. Or answers that they already hold in there mind.

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