
Yahoo answers and piercing questions?

by Guest64259  |  earlier

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Everytime I'm on here someone has posted questions on piercings with people who really wanna know about something. Why do people feel the need to answer these questions with- you deserve and infection for doing something like that, or thats trashy. I really would like to know why those people care enough about something they dont have on their bodies to HAVE to comment instead of just not opening the question? What is the appeal with beating people with piercings or tattoos down? I really would like to understand the thought behind it.




  1. I would like to know this too.

    I find it really disrespectful that people that don't have piercing and tattoos always have to put people down that do.

    I am not saying everyone is guilty of this, but really if you don't like them ignore the question.

  2. Trust me, you're preaching to the choir! Ignorant people do mean things. I just chalk it up to ignorance and boredom.  

  3. They want two points, in, or course, a system that offers you no rewards no matter how many points you recieve, but they do it because they have an opinion and they want the two points AND to make everyone think they are a douchebag in the process., and IT WORKS!!

  4. i completely agree with you.  it's their decision what they do with their body, and people shouldn't be giving others S**t for doing something just because THEY dont believe in it.  p!sses me off.  a lot.  get a life, people!

  5. boredom, anonymity and ignorance

  6. jealousy and conformity to the current gov. makes people lash out against those who are free

  7. It's pathetic too... we have freedom of choice for a reason, and if someone thinks a piercing or tattoo is a stupid choice, so be it... it's their choice.  Don't put someone down because they want to have a choice to do something they want to do!

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