
Yahoo answers for top contributers Why i ?

by  |  earlier

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alot of people violate you for no reason at all why? i have been violated no good cause can you that seem to know more answer this question .it has not only have to me but to alot of people that ask question i understand when one is violated for span or adult contents but i didnt post any thing like that.




  1. There are trolls out there. What is a troll?

    A "troll" is someone who intentionally and persistently posts inflammatory messages about sensitive topics to bait users into responding or provoke a confrontation. We also consider people to be trolls when they persistently misuse product features such as the ratings system to negatively target others.

    Sometimes abuse occurs "in the background" and not in questions and answers, so further investigation is needed. In these cases, you can use the text box provided on the Report Abuse page and include details and links. Don't assume someone is a troll and call them out just because you find their activities suspicious, as misunderstandings can happen and you may be publicly accusing an innocent person. Please remember to report only people who might be in violation of the Yahoo! Answers Community Guidelines or Yahoo! Terms of Service.

    Trolls post inflammatory messages to see how others will react. Don’t encourage them by responding or by giving them extra attention.

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