
Yahoo answers racist???

by  |  earlier

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Since the Obama cultists insist on calling me a racist because I'm not voting for him, does that mean that Yahoo Answers is racist because "Obama" isn't in their dictionary when you use their spell check????




  1. YES yahoo is HIGHLY RACIST!

    They (yahoo) HATE America and are 110% Anti-American and liberal!

    all these tech companies are rich elitist hate america LIBERALS

    obama is their (dare I say it, yes I will) N E G R O!

    OMFG, Yahoo *****'s out N-E-G-R-O

  2. I guess so. I'm a racist too according to their definition.

  3. No, it's not racist.

  4. he, he .........that's funny the way you put it .

    OBAMA 08-12

    I often wondered why ,it's been like that for some time now.

    maybe the spell checker is racist

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