
Yahoo! appointed moderator and new moderators of lists removed by Junior Moderator and Banned?

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I was appointed by Yahoo! to moderate lists following the absence of the original Owners. I appointed john_hopkins_1954 to several lists to help me clean them up. He has now demoted and banned me, and all other moderators from the lists Trek-Net James_Bond-007-4ever and CeCesMusings and left other groups. How do we reverse the hostile take overs by Junior Moderators and reverse these illegal actions?

Damon Matthew Wise (UID: Federation Trust: E-mail:

Damon Matthew Wise, Owner: Charity-Online-Recycling-Scheme, ClareGreenParty-ComhaontasGlas, TrekNet-Ireland, Sci-Fi-Net-Ireland, Irish_Equality_Alliance_Council, Irish_Equality_and_Human_Rights_Alliance... and TrekNet_BouncesandNoE-mail

Owner Appointed Co-Moderator: AspiesOnly2, thefirstbondtrekgroup

Yahoo! appointed Co-Moderator: autism_aspergers_chat, aspiepeople, TrekNet, Trek-Net, CeCesMusings and James-Bond-07-4ever




  1. Your problem is so special that maybe only other group moderators can help you with it. Go to the link below which lists a couple of  "groups about groups". One of those users might have a solution for your problem. Good luck!

  2. that moderator obviously had the priviledge to 'Add, remove, and change moderator privileges' which was an over-sight prior to you joining that group for clean up.

    if yahoo appointed you to join these groups- there's nothing any of us can do to help you- there is no such thing as a Junior Moderator and if they had the priviledge to do this, it's not illegal or a violation of TOS. you sub-hired a bad untrust-worthy person. if you had set up that persons priviledges, you need to contact yahoo who has the main power to cancel an account.

    nice to list all that info, which might be a TOS privacy issue.

    * if Yahoo hired you to do this, why you sub contracted out is beyond me and it really put you on a spot. Yahoo would have to go to the extra work of removing that named person (which you should keep alot of this private to begin with) and then they'd have to assign you back into the group. again, there is nothing none of us can do about this and really should had been directed solely to yahoo, not this public Y answers.

  3. I think you should contact Yahoo Customer Care about your issue:

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