
Yahoo! being sued over news message boards?

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In September a California lawyer filed a class-action lawsuit against Yahoo! over their message boards.

I've seen a lot of questions about why these boards are down. This is probably the reason... lawsuits. Money speaks much more loudly than freedom of expression... especially the threat of losing millions.,39026540,39336679,00.htm




  1. this guy also tried this a couple of years ago and lost, he's just looking for some $$$$

    dated 2004:

  2. Well that makes sense. Yahoo should just make some kind of announcement that the boards will be down so people will stop wondering.

    Some people use Y! Answers like its a message board now.

  3. I was called much worse things and threatened bodily harm by people on the Y!News MB's and didn't think much of it. I think it just goes to prove that anyone will sue over anything. Though that doesn't mean that Yahoo! shouldn't uphold their policy of people who threaten and use nasty terms and bigoted statements.

  4. I think a bunch of morons  pressured yahoo to close the message boards.

    I bet they were angry religious freaks who couldn't stand the truth.

  5. Man,what a wuss!  Sounds like he was still iving in the basement of his parents house.


  6. Yet another reason to outlaw class-action lawsuits.

  7. It has been obvious that Yahoo has never monitored the Message Boards. Once every year or two they will delete some posts and make it look like they are doing something.

    It is also obvious on Answers that the Yahoo claim that each Abuse Report is reviewed by a person is an obvious lie and continues to be an obvious lie. There is no way that Yahoo is going to pay for the numbers of people that would be required to monitor the Message Boards, Yahoo Answers, or review each Abuse Report.  

    Answers has 130+ million daily users. The number of Abuse reports are in the hundreds of thousands daily. It is impossible for Yahoo to read every report and evaluate it's validity. This is why the TROLLS continue to get away with getting peoples accounts deactivated with huge volume of reports against one person.

    I think the lawsuit is great. It's about time Yahoo gets the message that they must provide customer service.

    One to the things that ticks me off is that I pay for my Yahoo services and don't get any better Customer Service than if I used the free services.

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