
Yahoo discussion is cut off to Americans but continues?

by Guest33620  |  earlier

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for other countries. I believe this is censureship going to the extremes. I have complained several times but get only a generic response. Several months back when Yahoo closed the discussion section from news stories it was to create a better discussion that would elliminate those people who try to control the discussion. This is a big fat lie and it shows how people are idiots. GIVE US BACK OUR "DISCUSS" SECTION FOR ALL NEWS ARTICLES. Why is the discussion section still on foreign Yahoo websites but not on the American Yahoo website?




  1. Oh NO...WE can't have people exercising their right of freedom of assembly on the net...they might all realize their "government" is completely broken and revolt against it. If people actually Discuss the news they might find the truth and the truth is the worst enemy of the current US government.

    Bush also just signed yet another "executive order" making protest against his Iraq policies a crime punishable by having all of your property taken away...but don't discuss that because you may become a target of DHS (aka the Gestapo).

    They also wouldn't want you discussing the book that was released this week detailing how Bush's grandpa, Prescott Bush, tried to engineer a fascist takeover of America in 1933 by recruiting a WWI General to form a 500,000 man army of disgruntled WWI veterans (of which there were many many during the depression).

    Read about it here...

  2. What? This is sort of...ok it is a response to the poster above blaming this set of circumstances on The Patriot Act of all things. WTF Mate? The Patriot Act? Really?

    Send a letter to Yahoo asking for your discussions section opened up to Americans. If you don't recieve a response, call. If they don't return your phone calls, e-mail again. Basically make yourself a pest, and sooner or later they will cave.

  3. Welcome to the "new and improved" world of Freedom of Speech under the Patriot Act!

    Don't worry -- before long Yahoo! Answers will be gone, too.  Too much negativity about Bush, just like the Discussion section had.

    Oh -- and Yahoo! does not listen to the users -- they only listen to their advertisers.  Ads pay for Yahoo!  Users do not pay, therefore we do not count.  If the advertisers are pro-Bush, then they do not want the negative comments about him where they advertise.

    Welcome to the United States of BusHitler!

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