
Yahoo! front page-BusinessWeek's top cities to live in..?

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No U.S. city made it. Honolulu made the highest at number 28.

Are we still "the best"?

What would it take to convince you we were not?




  1. Personally, I'd prefer NOT to live in a city.  I hate the noise and the rude people in cities.  Every city has nothing but crime and corruption and I dare anyone to deny it.  I'll take the country life any day.

    America is the best in the world that's why there are so many people from other countries flocking into America by the thousands every single day.

  2. Those things change all the time.  I remember when Cincinnati was listed as the most livable city.  lol  That was after the Timothy Thomas riots.  Goes to show you how accurate they are.

  3. Nothing really, because just reading the newspapers tells us we aren't and that most of the world hates us, thanks to Bush and his crew.

  4. Yes. The top rated cities in the world are cities that we rescued from the n***s during World War II and rebuilt them with The Marshall Plan.

    The United States of America is too generous and too nice to the rest of the world.

    I will gurantee you that if the circumstances had been reversed they would not have rescued us and rebuilt our cities.

    The United States is too nice and too good to the world and we certainly do not receive any thanks for it.

    We the taxpayers just pay and pay and the rest of the world takes us for granted and thumbs their collective nose at us.

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