
Yahoo groups default e-mail address?

by  |  earlier

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My problem is this: I'm clicking on an e-mail address link (shown as user@.... ) in a groups message in a group of which I'm not a member, and it's giving my 3rd alternate e-mail address by default, and I cannot figure out how to change it. As I don't really use that address much, I do not want to have it used as the originating address.

It is not and has never been my default address in my profile.

I am wondering why yahoo! insists on using that address and how I could possibly change it to use my primary address.




  1. Is it possible you joined the group under that email address, or that maybe someone else automatically added you?  In Yahoo mail, there is a way to allow or disallow automatic adding of your address to groups.  

    Under your Yahoo ID, click "My Account" and under "Member Information" click "Edit" (link to the right of the heading).  Under "Email Information" in the screen that opens, you should be able to change your primary address.

  2. to edit that default, you'd need to go to My Account to do that. I'm not sure I'm reading this right but e-mail address is coming up for you that don't want to use? I'm unclear of where this is showing up in groups you're not a member of- I'd start with My Account- I chose which was my default to use I believe- you check Alternate Email 1 (I have 3 listed)

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