
Yahoo groups - how do I promote my group?

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Hi, since I created my yahoo group only 2 people have joined because I do not know how to promote it! When I type the name of my group into the yahoo find a group search engine it can't find my group! I set this up last year. Could I change my group name if that helps?





  1. to promote your group, simply list it to the Yahoo directory so others might see it while searching for groups to join in. Here's how: if you are the owner or moderator with privilege to change your group's settings, click on management on the left side of your group's page. Then, under "group settings", click on "Description and appearance". Next, clcik on "edit" link next to "description" and then select the radio button " Listed in Yahoo! Groups directory" next to listing type. Finally, click on "Save changes" button"!

  2. Go to web sites and other groups that may attract the same people. See if you can exchange links with them.


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