
Yahoo! groups unsubscribtion ???

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Http:// Some of the groups I subscribed to then unsubscribed to (a few times) but I still get the daily emails - how do I get these off? Completely unsubscribed so that I can't even post? How do I unsubscribe, sending the email to the unsubscribe person hasn't worked...




  1. once you left the group via e-mail, you'll no longer appear a member on the group. there's a huge delay and those e-mails will eventually stop.

  2. Doing the unsubscribe via email takes forever or sometimes never to get removed from the list.

    Sign in to the group and click "Edit Membership" near top of page. Scroll down to bottom right side of screen. Click "Leave Group". Another screen will come up, click "Leave Group". You will then be instantly unsubscribed from the group. It might take a day or so to stop receiving messages from the group, then they will stop coming to you

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