I am a web based application developer. I am planning to develop a japan auction service web site (like www.rinkya.com , www.okshon.com, www.mailorderjapan.com etc). Using the site people who doesn't know japaneese can participate in yahoo japan auction. The above mentioned sites provide these fascilities. I need to know what are the technologies used to develop such a wonderful site. The site provides the fascilities such as any one can place bid on yahoo japan auction site using the site id instead of the yahoo japan id. Let me know what translation technique is used in the site. Another thing is how the payments are made. For example i deposit 2USD in the above said site using pay pal it is credited in that site with my site id. I can bid within this amout. If the bid is higher the current bid it is placed in the yahoo site and amount is deducted from my account. Is pay pal allow me to deduct the amount from my site. please help me
dileep G