
Yahoo let me switch back to my old home page and I did. Now I am forced into <span title="''.WHY??????">''.WHY????...</span>

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Yahoo let me switch back to my old home page and I did. Now I am forced into ''.WHY????...




  1. Because they want to stick the ad directly in your face and give you no choice as to where it will appear, regardless of other layout options. Anyone have a good suggestion for a provider of a customizable home page that can replace Yahoo?

  2. try this:

    Click the above link. Confirm you want to switch back to the old homepage.


    The &quot;switch back&quot; link that used to be at the bottom of the beta page has been removed, but the link I posted above worked as of this morning.

  3. new york times is jumping into the internet webpage business and so far seems fairly customizable...  certainly the format, advertising, and layout seem less obnoxious than the new version of my yahoo.  however, i really just want my old page back. . .

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