
Yahoo message boards mothballed or dead?

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Yahoo message boards mothballed or dead?




  1. Yahoo: too cheap to moderate their own boards.

  2. Don't count the possibility of new

    message boards yet.

    All we need is just a little patience.

    A little patience. Yeah.

  3. Supposedly they are making them more user friendly. Taking quite a long time to do that though.

  4. Dead for the most part.

  5. Well, they say they will bring them back. It's been months now. If Yahoo is good at anything, they're good at destroying communities--of course, it was a community of vile trolls, but a community, nonetheless.

  6. on hold, dead it isnt, mothballed perhaps, i am waiting with bated breath for them to come back

  7. dead,but they had no funeral

  8. liced

  9. Gone, but not forgotten. NEVER forgotten!

    C'mon, yahoo, get on the stick and bring 'em back. Too many good stories the past few months BEG to be commented upon! Christ, we missed having Anna Nicole boards!!!

  10. There are chat rooms in forum look to the right of the page

  11. I agree with Angrysandwich guy's answer. The message board was a vile place filled with trolls and very crude language. The message boards, are more than likely dead because Yahoo can't manage to moderate their boards properly.

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