
Yahoo pool isnt working?

by  |  earlier

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or is it my computer? i am in california, bay area(usa)




  1. Its been acting up for me too, I'm in Florida. Its opens up and loads ok then it suddenly freezes, and my computer runs fine.

  2. ya there was a hacker

    he messed up all games

    they will have the problem fixed by the end of the week

    sorry =[


  3. im from FRISCO!! (DA BAY!!)

  4. same thing over here in belgium ....list shows 0 users and i get an error logging in to server :-(

  5. I have no Idea, just says 0 users, and then when you try to open into a section it says error can not log into yahoo.

    I live in Vegas NV ( since everyone said where the live even I want to.)

    Hillary sucks

  6. my pool page shows up zero users.

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