
Yahoo pool with out java......???

by  |  earlier

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Is there possible to play yahoo pool with out java? Java on my com takes up so much space. I only have 34.8 gb total on my com and i have lots of stuff that i can not remove. Is there away to make yahoo pool open with flash player or something like that?




  1. You can try to use MicrosoftVM  instead Suns java

    you can find it at downloads of

  2. No. You can't play pool without Java.

    And Java hardly takes up any space at all. If you can't spare the 5-6MB (tops) then get a larger hard drive or delete some of the p**n.


    Thanks for the correction Will. Java does take up more space that I remember. It can take up anywhere from 16MB to 50Mb. My current machine shows it taking up 18MB of space.

    Time for a new hard drive for you!

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