
Yahoo public Profiles are not working!!?

by Guest63055  |  earlier

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I've tried to create a new public profile for three days now...and every time I try to make one, It goes to the "edit public profiles" page and every time I click "finish editing" it says, "Sorry the page you requested is unavalible" It's gettin on my nerves! Is there any way to tell yahoo thats theres something wrong with the server or something!?




  1. I don't know. I'm trying to find someone who will take my complaint about how Yahoo Answers pulls innocent questions and sends an annoying 'VIOLATION' notice to my e-mail, and then doesn't have the brains to tell me WHY they pulled my question, only referring me to their 'guidelines' leaving me to try to figure it out on my own. They seem to have their heads up their - well, never mind. I might get this answer 'pulled'. I guess we all need to walk on eggs around here and WONDER who we can report all this stuff to.

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