
Yahoo search did not recognise my web site, why?

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I recently started a business and tried to search for it useing yahoo search, which could not find it.




  1. Try googling 'add my website to search engines'.  There are several sites that will do that for free.  Also, google 'metadata' - you'll want to add certain information to your website code that will make it more searchable to the search engines.

  2. have you paid yahoo to have it listed?  i think you need to do that for it to be found.

  3. this will take at least a week to 2 weeks to take effect. Once you're sure it's in there, try different meta keywords and descriptions and watch it move it up and down the search lists .

    good luck.

  4. If the website is brand new, it may take a bit of time to show up in the search engines.  I would suggest manually submitting your site to yahoo and google for starters!

  5. If you have just recently published your web page ( uploaded it to your web space) it may take a while before it can actually be accessed by anyone but yourself using your password and id. The delay depends on the providor you are using.

    If you have just created a new  web site with a newly opened account, there will most probably be a substanbtial delay before the site can be accessed from the internet.

    I had to wait more than 24 longer to access my page and even longer to access the emails.

    One other cause if not any of the above is that to get seen, your page must get a ranking. Put simply,  you must 'introduce' your web site to the search engines. Many web page builders have a facility to submit your page to search engines, either individually or, more commonly in bulk.

    If you have not done this, your page will not get a good ranking and generally won't be seen in the first few pages of the search results. (How many people look past the first page or two?)

    Another way to increase your ranking is to make sure you have the proper keywords in the header so that the search bots can find you.

    This in itself is a big subject best left to experts ( which I am not when it comes to Page Design and HTML).

    There's heaps of info on this topic but if you want to try your hand at submitting your site , try here first:-

    There's more out there, just use your search engine to find them.

  6. First of all it can take awhile for Yahoo to come across it.  To try and get it to come up sooner, submit it:  Also, make sure you have good meta tags, otherwise it could end up on page 100 of results when searching.

  7. ummm.... does it come up on google or any other search engine

  8. you need to pay them to advise it

  9. Most unusual with Yahoo....did you spell correctly...they dont like bad spelling.

  10. A common problem but you have to call Y.

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  11. has a package called traffic blazer that helps you optimize your site for search engines and then submits them to the search engines.  It's only like $15 a year.

  12. If your site is within yahoo's "Geo-city" is should show up there...but if you built and uploaded it to another web server that isn't Yahoo's, then you'll probably need to add it to yahoo's search will cost little to do so...Good luck with your online of wishes for success!

    ...another note, yes it does take a little time to get into engines...

  13. you can suggest your site for inclusion in the yahoo! directory here:

    there's a lot of factors that go into search engine optimization.  you'll want other sites linking to your site with the name of your business as the name of the link.   that's the biggest thing that's going to help surface your site in search engine results.

    also, having meta tags, properly formed html/css (w3c compliant), and clear descriptive text on your homepage in html (not in graphics) helps.

  14. Did you enter it into the Yahoo Database?  It won't show up until someone enters it...

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