
Yahoo still pushing MyYahoo! Beta despite unhappy users.?

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Now they've got some quote from poor "S.". The best thing that "S" has to say about MyYahoo! Beta is that the backgrounds and layouts are awesome. Of all the things that have been posted about this piece of junk they're foisting onto us, they found some deluded character who had something non-negative to say and they grabbed it. It's like those movie ads where some food critic in Omaha likes a movie that nobody else likes and that's the quote you get in the ads.

Now my question: What will it take to make Yahoo! realize that they've made a huge mistake here and withdraw this beta software before they force their poor users to either use it or go to another provider?




  1. I do not like this new layout.  It's too slow.  Bring back the old

  2. I agree, im glad someone  came out and it.

  3. I haven't tried MyYahoo! Beta and after reading this question and some of the answers I don't think I will.  Thanks for the warning.  I haven't looked at my yahoo in awhile.  I hope they didn't automatically change it to Beta.  I've never liked it when websites change to Beta.  Beta is supposed to be better but I've never found any proof that it is.

  4. I HATE Yahoo! Beta!  It takes too long to upload, and all the ads are annoying.

    I want to keep Classic, but don't know how to keep it.

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