
Yahoo tell me What is wrong with the syntax and spelling I use?

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What sort of censureship do you run at yahoo?

What do you find offensive in my Q n A? You openly solicite me and thousands of others to use this "service" .Tell me what you found or find offensive or not upfilling your community guidlines.

Pleas dont insult my intellegence with a piece of machine drivel.

I know you are all busy logging our details but how about a human response for a change.

All I request is ,tell me where I digress from "community guidlines"? An occasional spelling mistake, syntax error,differance of english language use.There is NO ambiguity in my language. Now how about an answer?




  1. You don't need Yahoo to tell you that your spelling is atrocious, your word usage sometimes incorrect, and that you are not asking questions of any real significance.

  2. The spoken language is phonetic. We therefore should organize the written form to the simplest manner of expressing the phonetic language.

  3. <After reading your last few questions>

    Perhaps you are on a YahooAnswers point spending spree?

    Perhaps you are on a Cocaine driven spending spree?

    Perhaps you are on the manic side of bipolar at the moment?

    Perhaps you just need to begin exercising that intellect of yours. Honestly, I've been reading your site and you definately do not commit such glaring errors of usage and grammar on there. But I agree that it should matter as much as the content put forth. I am enjoying your site in a strange sort of way, and would like you to begin putting the same effort into your posts here.  I have to admit that your recent questions are quite disuading in checking out your site.

    Cocaine can cause infarcts in your brain as well as your heart. If you begin to feel palpitations are arrythmias check what you have just written in the past hour and go to your nearest doctor.  Either of the two are about to give out.

    -Your humble intellectual inferior

    p.s. I figured it out! I dedicate so much of my protein load to producing hair on my head.  You redirect all that back into your cerebral neurons! That is why I have a full head of hair and mediore intellect, while you are bald, don't believe it is correct to love others, and rant in such a

    coherent intellectual fashion. "Check it punk!"

    Refute that if you aren't too manic to find the right keys on the keyboard.

  4. what was your question? did you use bad or obscene language??

  5. I hear if you end a sentance in a preposition they cancel your account and go after your bank accounts and other personal information. I don't remember where I heard that at.

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