
Yale Requirements?????

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I am entering into 9th grade and I would LOVE to attend Yale University- majoring in Law. I already understand that I need top grades and of course college prep courses. I plan to do plenty of volunteer work and many extra curriculars. Does anyone have any more advice? Advice from Yale Alumni would be greatly appreciated!




  1. Im going to be a senior in high school, so im not exactly alum, but i went to yale just yesterday for a tour and information session.

    I'm applying early to yale this coming month, and from all the advice i've been gathering, all these top colleges want to see what You like to do. what You are 'passionate' about, and How you go about achieving your dreams.

    if you want to major in law in yale graduate school, thats great! but keep in mind that in the undergraduate years, you should focus on something like... politics or history.


    you should join the debate team. debate opens you up to the entire world around you- politics, global issues and conflicts etc. also, your school should have some club like model congress or mock trial. talk to your teachers and your guidance counselor. im sure they'll know.

    advice for high school in general? hmm.. well, dont procrastinate (haha, who am i to tell you that..) suck up to your teachers.. but not blatantly (just show them that you're extremely into their class, always ask questions etc) get good grades, get leadership positions in clubs, if you're into a sport, an instrument or art, develop your talents!

    but again, its important to keep in mind that no matter what you do, do it because YOU like it. and not because you think a college will like it.  the way i figure, if you love something, you'll do it to the best of your ability, and that'll really show!

    so good luck. and work hard!

    hope this helps :)


  2. I"M JUST LIKE YOU!! i'm entering 8th grade and i asked like the same question. don't listen to any c**p that says your too young. Because they'renot going to get in and you and i will:) just work all you can and be passionate. work for that goal! when you dont want to do homework think about YALE! that's what keeps me going

  3. If you want to major in law, you shouldn't go to Yale because there's no law major.  It doesn't work that way.  

    A piece of advice: don't make it look like you do a lot of stuff just because you want to go to Yale.  Yale, like any other college, is simply a stepping stone to achieving your dreams, not the destination.  You need to genuinely care about what you do in and of itself.  Another piece of advice: make sure that wherever you apply has the program that you want.  If you were in a Yale interview and told the interviewer that you wanted to major in law, you'd have made a serious gaffe.  

  4. You should also consider scaling down your extra curricula activities because it is better to do just a few things really well instead of a lot of things average.  Also make sure you stay with foriegn language the whole way through high school.  Keep up those math grades too.   Consider volunteering for local campaigns.  Also you can get your undergraduate in anything and then apply to Law school so consider something you may also be interested in, as an example maybe you would like to go into environmental law, then get your undergradute in Biology or if you want to go into Intellectual Capital Law get your degree in computers/marketing.  Find a way to make your undergraduate degree enhance your ability to practice law.  It also will help you stand out among all of the poli/sci majors and history majors.  

  5. Really you have everything down that you need.  You also need a good SAT score.

  6. You can not major in law at Yale. You can go to the law school there after you complete 4 years of college.

    You need straight A's in your school's hardest classes, a 2250 plus SAT score and some exceptional accomplishments/awards/honors outside of the classroom. If you have all that you will be in the running but competing against tens of thousands of kids for 1500 spots. So decide to love some other schools too.
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