
Yall i stopped eating just for my mom to eat how can i be selfish?

by  |  earlier

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my mom been eating all the food. and i don't even eat to begin with. and than she wants me pick somethings up thats only inches away from her. if yall have only something mean to say plz keep to yourself. you don't even know how my lifes been. molested by my father, sexually harresst by a boy in middle school, and my rest of my family don't do nothing but licture and embress me. thats just suming it all.




  1. You need to talk to her. If she doesn't listen then you need to go to another adult who knows both of you and tell them you need some help with your mom. It sounds to me that she is immature. I hope that you are getting help for all of the things that has happened to you. I will keep you in my prayers. God Bless!

  2. I think that it sound like you are ready for help.   Your Mom does not sound like she has hit bottom yet .  You need to take care of yourself, noone else will.  Seek help from a professional.  Talk to a teacher, cop, social worker or someone who is mandat4ed to report abuse so that they can direct you to help.  There are also places where kids can go to seek help.  If you really want help, and to get out of the abuse cycle, find a shelter!

  3. move out. like i said before other people have been hurt as a child but you move on and do the best that you whine to much. 19 move out honey.

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