I had left the key turned on in my r1 over the weekend by accident. So i had to give it a battery jump to start it up. I let it run for about 10 min and road it around the block a few times. But when I took the key out and put it back in, it wouldnt turn on. So i jumped it a second time and my lights came on, but the bike wouldn't crank up this time. I took my battery to a battery shop and they found out that my battery was at 5.8V. I left it there over night and they fully charged it. When I put my battery back in, the lights would come on but the bike still wouldn't start up. I gave it another jump but the same problem. I even put the battery from my sister's bike into mine and still the same problem (even though her battery is smaller than mine). Does anybody know why my bike is not starting?