
Yamaha gp760 waverunner oil and gas mixture?

by  |  earlier

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Hey i have a 98 yamaha gp760 and i wanted to know what the recomended amount of oil to gas mixture that i put in the fuel tank.

thanks guys




  1. Yamaha waverunners have separate tanks for the oil and the gas.  The waverunner has an oil pump that injects oil into the intakes to provide the correct amount.  You don't have to mix anything.

  2. If you do not have oil injection, as our waverunner does not, mix the gas to at 50:1. The guy may have recommended premix over using the oil injection as a lot of the injection systems fail and the engines burn up. I wish I had a dollar for every jetski on eBay my son showed me with a blown motor from this issue that he wanted to buy and repair.

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