
Yammers award..part 2?

by  |  earlier

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credits to : Station One..

6. Prime Minister Award :

(Yammer with high influence)

7. Hottie Award :

(Hot Yammer)

8. Papa Award :

(Father figure Yammer)

9. Mama Award :

(Mother Figure Yammer)

10. Caring Award :

(Most Caring Yammer)




  1. Will there be a part 3? This rocks man...

    6 Ginduras

    7 Um... IDK.... Zeeda maybe

    8 *scratches head* really clueless. Bean lah...

    9 Jeffy

    10 anyone who will protect us from crabs and what nots...Clueless again... I'll go for Zeeda

  2. PM Award: Prince Bean, without a doubt!

    Hottie Award: Jeffy! (yah..the net stoking)

    Papa Award: Foxhound

    Mama Award: Michelle

    Caring Award: Boon Q (always reminds me of good life and moist chocolate cake)

  3. 6. Prime Minister Award :

    AdiTrusteeShim (uu..mintak maaf..tergabung 3 nama pulak..hehe)

    7. Hottie Award :

    chikedee (nice tummy..i lykee~ hoho)

    8. Papa Award :

    adiKunyit!! (look out his 360 yow..very sweet)

    9. Mama Award :

    butterfly (her son is CUTE!)

    10. Caring Award :

    AynChubbyJuniper =)

  4. 6. Prime Minister Award :


    7. Hottie Award :


    8. Papa Award :

    bean, cute son

    9. Mama Award :


    10. Caring Award :

    ali baba

  5. 6. Prime Minister Award :

    Adi Kunyit (he's smart, you know...)

    7. Hottie Award :


    8. Papa Award :

    Bean (he advertised his son's birthday - that's cute)

    9. Mama Award :


    10. Caring Award :

    Waterlily (always popped out from nowhere whenever i asked serious Q!)

  6. 6. Prime Minister Award :

    bean i guess..

    7. Hottie Award :


    8. Papa Award :

    bean again

    9. Mama Award :


    10. Caring Award :


  7. 6. Prime Minister Award :

    (Prince Bean)

    7. Hottie Award :

    (you s**y lor)

    8. Papa Award :

    (adi kunyit)

    9. Mama Award :

    (Zeeda & Cactuar)

    10. Caring Award :


  8. 6. Prime Minister Award :


    7. Hottie Award :


    8. Papa Award :


    9. Mama Award :


    10. Caring Award :


  9. 7. Jeff

  10. eh... not me ah giving t/d..


    2=your avatar... maybe that stranger on a bus coz the others dont want to let me see their pic..

    3=i saw someone pictures and i think that kunyit deserve this...


    5=last time got yuna and twiggy... now everybody la... anderson too

  11. 6.  The crabs - Gindy?

    7.  Jeffy  (you've got it all hon, hehe!)

    8.  Bean (he posted his son's pic)

    9.  Blackberrylicious (her Avatar says so)

    10.  A toss-up between you and Zeeda

  12. 6. Bean

    7. Hushpuppy

    8. Anderson

    9. No idea.......

    10. Zeeda

  13. 06) bean

    07) chekedee

    08) anderson.. ( he taught jeffy abt pregnancy)

    09) stephanie ( she gave me good advise on upbringing of kids)

    10) Jeffy..u never forget to thanx anyone..thanx babe(ur style)

  14. 6. Prime Minister Award :

    (Run for election)

    7. Hottie Award :

    (you jeffy)

    8. Papa Award :

    (i dont know ler)

    9. Mama Award :

    (you again ..)

    10. Caring Award :


  15. 6. Prime Minister Award :


    7. Hottie Award :


    8. Papa Award :

    Kevin's father (Bean)

    9. Mama Award :

    Cactus on the run ..always run indoor & out door (house work & travel to her kids school each day & night for her lovely hubby...) crab bless you

    10. Caring Award :

    All Yammers , because they care each other and make our day soo meaningful....Thanks Yammers ...God Bless You

  16. 6. Prime Minister Award : he got charisma he is Mr. Adi Kunyit (yaya call him Eman Manan) muahaha

    7. Hottie Award : i think the Stranger on a bus look hot! haha

    8. Papa Award : Bean ... may i inherit ur fortune papa ..

    9. Mama Award : huh .. err Silenth

    10. Caring Award : My kak wan - Butterfly again ...

  17. 6. Prime Minister Award :

    Chesney C

    7. Hottie Award :

    HRH Shim

    8. Papa Award :


    9. Mama Award :

    Myra (Blackberrylicious)

    10. Caring Award :


  18. hi, every one!! Care to vote for me?
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