
Yank gene pool?

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Does it pi*# you off to think that previous family members contributed to the U.S. gene pool?




  1. That explains a lot about the American attitude!

  2. We Americans have much better teeth (amongst other things) so I guess you're just mad because you drew the short straw.

  3. I hate the European reference to all Americans as Yankees. Not all Americans are Yankees. It refers specifically to New Englanders like myself. It doesn't pertain to Southerners.

  4. Consider the question from the American point of view.  We have to live with the shame of having you British red necks for ancestors.  Personally, I tell people I'm German-Swiss and ignore the UK part of my heritage.

  5. oh P**k yes, bloody septics wasting perfectly good Celtic DNA.

  6. Where do you think we got our desire to own the world from?

  7. Not at all. It's the equivalent of scraping off something unpleasant you've picked up on your shoe.

    Don't forget we happily let the religious fanatical nutbags go and start living in America. That explains the reason why they start foaming at the mouth the minute you mention anything other than christianity.

    Oh, and Scratchy_Joe as regards your comment on hygiene I think you're confusing us with the French and in terms of intelligence I fear its the other way round. I refer you to Exhibit A:-

    Ty Poe who obviously has never read a History book and knows nothing of The Battle of Britain since he claims we'd all be speaking German if it wasn't for the US. If you want to get really picky Ty if it wasn't for Britain you'd all be speaking French or Spanish. Also you owe both of those countries a big thank you since without them you'd still be part of the colonies.

    I won't even start on the war of 1812 (nice little barbecue we had in Washington...)

    And milton b, Red necks?!   This from a country that practically invented them. Bloody h**l, i've been to parts of the US where i've been introduced to someones sister and their wife and there's only been one person standing there...

  8. Frankly, I am delighted that my ancestors contributed to the American gene pool; because that meant that they at least had a good start to their stock. For what has happened to that stock ever since; I am afraid they only have themselves to blame.  When you are given something precious, you should take good care of it.

  9. Of course it p**s off the Europeans....We (the U.S.) got all the good genes!

  10. A little, cause they all look and act kind of retarded. I guess that's what happens when people marry thier sisters. and oh we kicked your butts way back when that gene pool was spreading and bailed you guys out when you panzies couldn't defend yourself in the big one.Zfrecken ze deutch a--hole. You would be if it wasn't for us. You can't spell us without the U.and the S.

  11. It certainly brings us people down, learning that they are related to you.

  12. No. I'm pure french of Hugenot descent. Er, I think...

  13. Doesn't it make you madder to discover we are more hygienic and intelligent
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