
Yankee Fans: After tonights game, is it just time to say 'forget this'?

by Guest58293  |  earlier

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Tonights loss just killed. Is it time to just give up and admit the rays and sox are the better teams this year. i mean you cant win them all right?




  1. Yankees are done, over and out, finished, sayonara, the END.  Sadly.

    The last 2 weeks hurt them, and in no way will catch Boston or Minny/White Sox at this rate with 40 games remaining and 7 games back. Dont get me wrong, its quite possible and if a team can do it its Yankees, but they have no consistency, their pitching except for Moose is erratic as with their tired offense. They just look awful, tired, off, and no fight.

  2. I'm not giving up until we're mathematically eliminated. This loss made me so mad, I almost punched a hole through the wall. I have to credit A-Rod for busting it down the line on that dribbler, though I really would've liked to see him just single in that run. I am very disappointed at Justin Christian, but at the same time, I wish the first base coach taught the players to take a lead with a side-shuffle, not literally run in the direction of 2nd base. Pathetic. For once, I don't have a gripe with Girardi for the loss. Mariano has to realize that giving up runs in tie games is just as bad as giving them up in save situations. This game is putting another brick on the wall of winnable games that we let slip away. Someone tell Mo that we're up by a run. Maybe that'll help him out.

    I'm still confident we can win the series, but if not, that pretty much shows what our team is made of this year. Again, I can't give up hope until we're out of it, but we're running out of time.

    Tampa won again tonight, so I'm just happy if we get the WC. As far as the division, it no longer interests me. A 10.5 game lead is virtually insurmountable.

  3. Sadley yes the Yankees are done i'm sick and tired of the Yankees uncaptable of hitting in scoring position they could of won alot more games if they were able to hit

  4. its not over for them until x is placed once y is placed twice and z is placed once

  5. I don't want to talk about it...

  6. I mean, I'm a Giants fan, and I know how it feels to lose, but just not once in a while like your Yanks, but you just gotta stick tight with the team and believe. It hurts to see your team fall out of contention, but as long as you guys stay strong, your team will eventually come through. And yes, any team can't win it all. As you guys are facing, we Giant fans must also face the dear fact that the Dodgers and the D-Backs are better.

  7. That's funny...there was a question posted yesterday about an article that said Yankee fans are among the least loyal fans in just proved the article right.

    For the record: I'm a Mariners fan. Feel lucky your team was at least semi-competitive.



  9. Yes, you are correct its killing me seeing MY YANKEES LOSE to Kansas City Royals! We suck big time!

  10. Things look bad but I haven't given up just yet

  11. hey joba ha ha. hey its not over. There defintly not gonna win the east but they got a chance for the wild card and i still believe in em. Did you see the game today? They didn't play that well but d**n they got it done! Ha ha Gardner is a monster he went 3-5! The Red Sox lost to the Blue Jays today so there only 6 games back. d**n the Blue Jays are only 8. uh oh... jk

    DONT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!  

  12. im a cubs fan and cubs havent won the world series in a 100 years i dont know why are u crying about the yankess havent won the world series in seven years big deal  

  13. Very Very! Frustrating!!!!  d**n Christian for messing up the way he messed up tonight.

  14. yes. yankees suck. go dodgers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. No. It looks awful right now. I am sick of how they're playing. They're disgracing their history and Yankee Stadium right now.

    But I will never give up on my team. Ever. It's still possible for them to win it. Until they're mathematically eliminated, I'll never say it's over. I'll never willingly wave that flag and say the Rays and Sox are better teams.

  16. h**l yeah man, im sick of it

  17. Yes it killed but use should never give up on your team i would never turn my back on the Phillys

  18. well, i am a tigers fan, so don't tell me about giving up. everyone said before the season started that we would be great just because we looked good on paper but i knew better, because come on, this is the tigers were talking about. anyway, its looking grim for the yankees, but i wouldn't give up on them yet

  19. Yankees Suck.......Go Dodgers!!

  20. I thought people gave up on them about a month ago?

  21. Yankees fans say that after every loss.

    God, after EVERY time they lose, the Yankees fans all come on here crying about how their season is over.  It's getting really annoying.

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