
Yankee fans, what is happening? Yanks are fading fast?

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And the Red Sox look poised to over take the Rays and win the AL East




  1. the yankees CAN get back in it if they do REALLY REALLY good on there nextroda trip versing the red sox, rays, angels, toronto, baltimore etc. and how do you expect to get in the playoffs when all your good players are hurt? thats impossible, the yankees should be as bad as the mariners with all there injuries so right now they are in an actually good spot.

  2. Injuries, and this group lead by A-Rod is just not hungry to win.  A-Rod hits fields and puts on a good show, but he doesn't win.  Who would believe that he could this affect on even the yankees, the greatest franchise in the hstory of sport. It is quite an acheivement for AROD.

    Until he leads them to a world series win, he's nothing.

    Reggie Reggie Reggie

  3. they stink

  4. Hey, we still have time. There's still a chance. The Yankees have just as much a chance as winning as anyone else.

  5. All those big salaries  are making theYankees soft. The newly acquired players and those with less than 2 years are doing better. George better get out there fast. Start 09 off right.

  6. i am a die hard red sox fan.

    i know i should be answering this question but..

    we all know that the new york yankees have all of the highest paying players in the mlb. but that doesnt go to show that they have the best team. unlike the red sox team, there is not a chain like: if not papi then whoever is after him. the yanks cant rely on eachother. that is not a team

  7. I would've liked to see more competition in the AL East, but you guys are starting to fade away. They're just bad because most of their players are on the DL like Matsui, Posada, Chamberlan, and Wang.

  8. It is true im a huge yankee fan and panicing but what can we do is just  wait till next year when our team gets better only without injuries.

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