
Yankees are down 7-0 to the 'Jays right now... from a scale of 1-10 how much do the Yankees suck?

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A-F*ag and the rest are done for this and the next coming seasons in this decade...




  1. One game, son.  One game.

    A team over .500 with a reasonable shot at a wild card doesn't "suck." And if they do, it's certainly not as bad as any NL West team this year.

    Go play somewhere.

    EDIT: To ken jr: Sure, for the money they've spent, the Yankees are not in the position they want to be. But all things considered, this team hasn't been bad. Inconsistent, sure. But hardly worthy of the "suck" term so many moronic Bostonians (and no, that's not everyone from Boston and New England) love to spout.

    Yeah, it's safe to say the Yanks have lost this game. But any team can have a bad night and get blown out. The Sox have. The Yanks have. The Twins have. Lord knows the A's and Rangers have. Just have to bounce back tomorrow and (cue Jesse Jackson) Keep Hope ALIVE!

  2. 10/10 and it's 10-0 with a runner on 1st and 2nd for the Jays in the 5th. 15 hits for the Blue Jays.

    Edit: Make that 13-0.

  3. ouch.  I thought ponson was getting better.. mmm this isn't at yankee stadium right? the boos would be heard all the way from california if it was in yankee stadium

    Roy Halladay is a STUD too! man tough.. tough..

    they don't suck... but they sure do need to get it together!!

    Quality pitching would help a lot and some sort of run support as well. The only person that the yankees can really highly expect a win out of is Moose and maybe even Petitte on his good days.

  4. yankees don't suck they just have been having a bad year and all their players are getting older.... yankees still have like 40 games to go and they also won the most world series 27, "looking on a positive note"

  5. Is this a very nice question?

    I don't think they suck relatively to some other teams in the MLB.

    However, most of the frustration stems from the fact that they spend so much money and STILL haven't won a World Series for more than half a decade.

    Haha, was Ponson pitching?

    I HATE him, I really do.  I hated him with the Orioles cause he had a cruddy attitude, and I hated him with the Rangers; in fact, they pretty much kicked him out because of an "undesirable off-the-field incident". =)

  6. They score a perfect 10. GO JAYS!

  7. Copy + paste from one of my other answers...

    Man, Halladay is MOWING us down. As Damon would put it, this "performance" by the Yanks is a "disgrace to the pinstripes". Speaking of Damon, has any other Yankee reached base this whole game? Pathetic. This was the PERFECT opportunity to pick up one game in the loss column against everyone we're competing against for a playoff spot (BOS/TB/CWS/MIN all off today), and instead they all pick up a game in the loss column on us. I wasn't expecting a win today, but I was expecting a somewhat competitive game. I really would like to just sweep the Sox right out of Yankee Stadium for the last time...we can't afford to lose those games.

    It's only one game, so I'll get over it in about 3 hours (if the game isn't still in on by 11:39pm...) Still have a very good shot at making the postseason, no true Yankee fan has given up yet, and no true Yankee fan will.

    Edit: Expecting at least 3 thumbs down. (2 down, 1 to go)

    Ugh...10-0 now. Nevermind, the Twins were playing today. I thought they had an off day.

  8. They just need to get regathered and get over moving and the moustache era so they can be better. 10 being they are really bad, 1 being good, i'd say they are around a six

  9. that guy mell the dbacks have the same record as the yanks and the dodgers 2 behind you guys  

  10. Dream on loser.  Boston looks terrible lately.

    The Yankees have a shot at the wild card spot still.  

    It is just one game.

  11. NEGATIVE 213213213541321

  12. 0

  13. Yea the Yankees look terrible and with Doc on the mound i dont think they have a chance tonight.

    I would give the Yankees a 5,

    with 1 being "a great team" and 10 being "absolutely hopeless".  

  14. That all depends on your point of view, That Guy Mel.  If you were to base the Yankee season on say wins per dollar spent, I think you might be able to say that the Yankees, "suck".

    EDIT:  The score is now 10-0, and Michael Kay just said, "If the Blue Jays can hang on...".  LMMFAO

    PS:  The Yanks better win tomorrow with Moose on the hill.  With, "The American Idle" Carl Pavano and Rasner going games 2 and 3, they are on pretty shaky ground.  The O's can rake, Guthrie has been dealing lately and Cabrera has no hit stuff

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