
Yankees fan ejected for trying to go to the bathroom?

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What does this say about freedom! Should the Police Force you to be patriotic?




  1. The yankees organization thinks that real fans should wait until the game is in progress to leave their seat. According to their logic, a true fan wants to miss at least 2-3 innings worth of action each game.  

  2. So I suppose the NYPD would rather see fans urinating on the stadium seats.

    Wait- isn't public urination illegal?

  3. if you gotta go go

  4. Respect your country

  5. Is this for real?  This is the first I've heard of it. There was an article in the NY Times about a year ago that said something about the stadium's policy to "restrict movement" during God Bless America.  That's all I remember.

    I just searched the Yankee stadium website (very briefly) to see if I could find a mention of such a policy, and I turned up empty handed.  If it's a stadium policy, then yes, they have every right to throw out someone who violates it.  But if it's not a written stadium policy, then I don't see why they could enforce it.  

    I guess the bottom line is, if a police officer (? or security guard, etc) tells you that you aren't allowed to do something, then don't do it.  He obviously could hold his bladder till the end of the half-inning, so what's another minute?

    (of course, to hold it means he could get uromisotisis poisoning and die...)

  6. "What does this say about freedom! Should the Police Force you to be patriotic?"

    Apparently so. The 7th inning stretch is called a STRETCH for a reason. You can get up and leave anytime you want, even during the national anthem or "God Bless America." Sure, it may be disrespectful, but that's his choice.

    Security guards were probably pissed because the Yankees were losing once again, and they took it out on a Red Sox fan.

  7. If you have to go you have to go body functions and health come above all. I don't care what song it is It could be people saying happy birthday to my mom or dad if you have to go you have to go period.

    Its bad for your health to hold in bodily fluids if you have to go to the bathroom any sane person would know that. Would you choose bad health possibly for the rest of your life over a song you would have to be f***king crazy.

    If it is not a written policy of the stadium or team to not be allowed out to go the bathroom or where ever during "xx song or xx event" then he has full right to go the bathroom or anywhere else and he is in the right for leaving for whatever reason.

    God Bless America is not the national anthem or anything so whats the big deal.

  8. He was trying to urinate at his seat. He was being sooooo patriotic that he decided to just go right there so he wouldn't miss the anthem. They guy's a hero...probably a closet Red Sox fan...most heroes are Red Sox fans, ya know?  haha

  9. i didnt hear the story, but it sounds a bit rediculous.  I do recall someone working at busch stadium telling a few people they couldnt stand in the ninth inning, so she called the security and escorted them out.  

  10. I have BPH and I make sure whenever I am at a public event , to visit the restrooms available before the game or concert or whatever.

    Public urination is frowned upon by most ethnic groups so I don't see what being "Mexican" has to do with it.

    It behooves anyone when in public, to abide by, well established rules of polite behavior and refrain from those that are offensive.

    What does the playing of "God Bless America" have to do with good manners, anyway?

    It is not our national anthem!

    However, it is a much easier song to sing than "The Star Spangled Banner".

  11. He was actually a Red Sox fan at a Yankees game.  But that doesn't make it any better.  The seventh inning stretch is supposed to be a break.  The Yankees can sing whatever songs they want, but they shouldn't mess with tradition, especially in a sport that so deeply honors tradition.

  12. I'm not sure exactly why he got the boot. He needed to go, obviously. I don't think his intent was to go to the bathroom and purposely skip out on God Bless America.

  13. I thought this story was sort of funny but it brings up the issue of being patriotic while having the rights to have freedom in this country. Apparently, the guy wanted to go so bad but it just came at the wrong moment. I don't blame him for skipping on God Bless America because he had to go but he made his case worse afterward. Apparently, the two officer approach him and ask him what he doing. After he said he wanted to go to the restroom, one of the officer ask to him to hold it after the song is over, and here what the guy said: "I don't care about "God Bless America"...I just have to go now." In this post-9/11 world, you have to be careful about what you say in front of the N.Y.P.D. or else there going to take it the wrong way. Apparently, that's what happen and as a result escorted him out of the ballpark. The Yankees have stated that there is no restriction to stay for certain songs but if the fan cause a distraction that seems inappropriate, the security has that right to escort a fan out.

    The guy still has an option whether to file a lawsuit against the Yankees organization and the N.Y.P.D. for his wrongful early dismissal, which is more likely with potential witness about to be called up if they refute the statement from the N.Y.P.D. about the fan inappropriate behavior if it goes in front of a judge. The guy has his civil rights violated but at the same time didn't make himself the good guy by badmouthing God Bless America in order to excuse himself to the restroom, although he has his freedom of speech. The fact that he had two cups of beer prior to his encounter with the two N.Y.P.D. officers also isn't helping his case either, as the police can say he was intoxicated at the time, although two cups of beer can't make you drunk that easily unless your very sensitive. Either way, drinking can get you in trouble and there another reason why. Even though the guy might win his lawsuit (if he files it), he might just learn his lesson about how patriotic this country is, especially on a busy night where the Red Sox-Yanks playing on a sold out crowd and numerous N.Y.P.D. officers on patrol.  

  14. That's when I would head to the restroom as well-- there's nothing happening. You can't miss anything.

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