
Yankees fans can the yanks sign these guys?

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okay you guys said we can afford CC and Sheets. can we afford them with Lackey and Texiera and also resign abreau. can we win the world series if our offense does what it did in 2007 finishing first in HRs RBIs AVG i think one of those was 2nd




  1. Who they get depends on how much they want and where they want to play. Not everyone can play with the pressure's that come with the Yankees.

    Do some of you post just to post?

    Be a ResSox fan but a least have a sense of history. A millennium is a thousand years and we just started a new one. Whoopee for the wins(thanks to MLB and Wilcard) the BloSox have two in the past 7 yrs.. Enjoy it. If history repeats itself you'll get 4 more wins in the next 100 years. Again, Whoopee. I'll take the Yankees 26 wins to your lousy 6 wins and the Boston Braves don't count.

    Perhaps you don't understand money. BloSox have spent their fair share(plus Japan bonus not counted) and will equal the Yankees soon in the payroll dept. And the BloSox have no respect for their players, Johnny Damon comes to mind. Poor org.

  2. The Yankees can afford anyone they want. The guys you list-Texiera most likely will sign with the Angels. CC may also go to the Angels(whom have plenty of disney money to play with).

    I don't see Abreau staying unless he takes a huge pay cut-like 8-10 million.

  3. I think they wont get Texiera he wants a 10 year deal worth 100 mil not worth it, Sabathia is possible

  4. they wont trade for lackey, id rather have them pass on sabathia and get lackey as a free agent after 09.


  5. Boras is looking to get 230 million for 10 years for Texiera and I don't think the Angels would let Lackey walk, he's their ace.  

  6. the yankees probrably could afford them but the angels wouldn't trade those guys, not unless the got one h**l of a deal that really helps the angels more than those two could.

  7. I see the Yanks getting Sabathia but don't know about all of those guys though.

  8. Texiera should just fire Boras. Everyone should. All he cares about is money, not how the club would be tight after paying that money.... stupid  a**h***.

  9. see thats the thing bout the yanks. ok they need to start not rebuilding, but going younger and getting new pitchers acclimated to the majors. they keep signing players that have no purpose. as i like to say they keep putting bandages on top of bandages, and eventually, there going to bleed and thats when chaos happens. they need to take a year or 2 off, work with there younger players, and trade away older players for younger. im not saying trade for minor leagues players, but for players that have a little bit of mlb experience on a team that they cant play full time for.  

  10. Dude, we're not getting all of those guys.

    Teixeira's a possibility, but you know the Angels will try to keep him and I'm sure other teams might try to chase him, too.

    Sabathia: Probably.

    Lackey: I'm guessing they won't land him.

    Sheets: Maybe. There's a chance.

    And Abreu's not being re-signed.

    And even with all those signings, the World Series is all gonna come down to good pitching, clutch hits and a little luck. Nothing's a sure thing.  

  11. Aren't the Yankees just entitled to get everyone that they want?  Especially since they have not won the World Series this millennium.

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