
Yappers! Do you like the new Yahoo Answers format?

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Yappers! Do you like the new Yahoo Answers format?




  1. the twisted compact bulb, the pencil eraser ..... hmm, a little bit astonishing ... But this is still my tambayan ....  

  2. Maybe I'm going blind, but I see very little change. The spell checker is just as deficient as before, (just noticed the suggestions off to the right) I don't like having to open the checker all the time... the red underline of misspells was much better. Otherwise, the the preview and submit buttons on the left are better.

  3. It's all right I guess.

  4. It just reached me (nearly 2am Riyadh time Friday).   About 5pm Thursday, the format was just about the same.  Now, when I tried to ask a question, about the camia flower, it says camia is not in its dictionary.  I nearly changed the question and replaced camia with "rose".  Now, it's saying I have 3 misspellings.  Cuz I mentioned the darned flower thrice.

    I would have said "this not rose flower" but that would have been more confusing.   It looped endlessly, until I had to quit the first time.

    May be, I was not polite enough with how I asked.  So I became as polite as one could be,  and miracle of miracles, it went through!

  5. pure garbage...... there's no need for preview when you can edit

  6. Yes...a great improvement from the previous one.  Sleek and concise with helpful tints that you can readily see.  You don't have to scroll a long way down to preview or submit your answers.  Great!

  7. Click to answer; click to submit. Takes less time. Yes, I like it.

  8. lol! i like it. love that pencil picture on the spell checker.

    it says, "oops! you have to misspellings."


    and the preview with your avatar over my avatar.

  9. zzz... yes because i know now that i misspelled zzz and hmmm. good thing the spelling of beer is right. hmmm... beer... zzz...  

  10. it's good though needs improvement .  i don't see cancel button anymore on the first page.


    the edit mode is in the same old format.  now i see the cancel and modify buttons.

  11. kool...I just notice today :D

    I like..actually it does have a spelling check  

  12. I think it is great. It is the best addition YA has had in a very long time. Lets hope the answers will improve with this new format!

  13. no! it dosnt have spell check, i dont think!!

    its weird!!! :(

  14. The format is actually simple & really neat, very easy on the eyes. I'm not missing the old one.

    I'm still waiting for the video & photo embedding feature. OR the asking & answering through video. That'd be fun :)

  15. Whoa.  This is the first question that I am answering with the use of YA's new format.

    Hmmm...  I think I have gotten used to the old format.  I'm kind of groping here, trying to find my way around...  A couple of days more and maybe I'll get the hang of this.  

    The Spell Checker is kind of off.  It says "YA's" was spelled incorrectly.  It is not so because that is its possessive form.  But then the old Spell Checker was also like that too.  I guess YA must improve on this.

    And yeah, I love their reminders about making the answer concise and giving credit to where it is due.  May the latter remind people to not plagiarize.

  16. its alright, but who needs spell check ?  

  17. its pretty neat!  doesnt help with spelling but i guess its OK.

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