
Yay i'm looking after a kitten for a while what sort of toys should i get?

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  1. All you need is string.

  2. String (a shoelace is good), fuzzy things, and fingers. lol.

  3. If its still a kitten I would be careful of string. If she swallows it it can knot up in her intestinets.  Little fury mice and such are fun

  4. Why don't you try some cat nip toys. Yarn, cats love to chase that.

  5. string

    a little mouse filled with catnip

    little plastic balls with bells in them

    a plastic rod with a string, and on the end of the string a feather

  6. the balls with the bells and anything with feathers on it

  7. Kittens like to chase string  

  8. Don't waste your money buying little toys for them--they'll just knock them under the couch and meow for you to retrieve them so they can do it again--gets old fast LOL

    I've had up to 6 cats at a time, and they go for the plastic rings around milk and water jugs (gallon or half gallon size, etc), string or cheap mardi gras beads (if you don't mind the rattling), bits of aluminum foil balled up, maybe some old pantyhose with big knots in them for them to swat at (make sure you don't leave out the good hose though!). They also like to play in shoeboxes or cardboard boxes, and big paper bags--my brother's cat LOVES doing that! Hope that helped!

  9. A rocking chair and a ball of yarn.

  10. well the owner probubly bought toys for the cat, but if your really nice you could bye some for him anyway and you might get an extra tip for being extra kind to the kitty. but u might not have to buy him any toys if the time your watching the kitty is a really short time period. I u are getting him a toy, get him a really cool fake "fishing pole" from the pet store and it has a toy or fake fish at the end , so when you swing it around, they will jump at it and love it. Just like mine. Plus dont tease it a lot, let him get it once and a while and chew on it. Make sure he doesn't brake it though!


  11. Kittens love feathers and paper bags. Definitely NOT strings. They get swallowed and require exploratory surgery to retrieve!

  12. if its only for a while dont bother investing in anything. i own two cats and have bought them many toys, but they are always more interested in rolled up balls of foil, or strings, or wrappers. just make your own theyll liek it better. spend the money on some catnip and cat treats instead

  13. you really dont ned to buy toys, they wil play with anything that moves,  they can make move or can hide in.

    string tied to door k***s, balls, cardboard boxes, paper bags.

  14. catnip, toys that make noise when you shake them, feathery toys, etc....idk how old the kitten is, but make sure its nothing he will choke on lol.

    and my cat LOVES foil balls! try that

  15. I have seven cats, and they love anything with REAL fur! Like those little mice that are made of rabbit fur. YOu can get a 6 pack of them at wal-mart for $3.00 and they carry them around in their mouths like a dog:0)

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