
Yay! it's sunday morning and i'm drinking gin?

by  |  earlier

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or more to the point i'm STILL drinking gin. it's my weekend off and i'm enjoying myself.

what better way to spend it but being rat-arsed and waiting for lunchtime to have roast lamb, spuds, carrots, cabbage and gallons of mint gravy.........

what are you doing up so early?




  1. im spending the time with my childrem.....what better way to spend the day then that :)

  2. I've just got up......with a mouth like a firemans welly....arrrrgh

  3. im drinking beers  ive been up since about 2am i crashed out yesterday afternoon around 4 ish so i decided to stay awake and have a beer or 2 by myself

  4. It's not early here in new zealand. it's night time. Going to bed soon. Just finished my bottle of wine.

  5. a hangover sent from satan himself and this time i'm definitely never drinking again.the roast lamb sounds gorgeous - will you plate me one up please?

    up too early with the ankle biters unfortunately - a lie in today would've been the ticket but no such luck 4 me!!!

    enjoy ur delicious sounding lunch to,will be round to pick mine up about half 6 ish if thats ok?? cheers!

  6. up since 4.45 am (its now 8.08am) with my 6month old son with severe excema and three year old watching handy many,wish i was drinking gin with you ha ha

  7. In my job I have helped nurse 4 patients with cirrhosis of the liver & watched them die. It's a very unpleasant & painful way to die.

  8. I've been up since 5.30 after drinking Vodka last night!


    Don't ask me why but I'm eating a curry Pot Noodle - Double ouch!

    Good morning!

  9. Beware of the demon drink!!

  10. If you're getting plastered, who's doing the cooking?

  11. IV just eaten last nights vindaloo! bludy handsom.

    Off down the local for some much needed ale.

  12. here in UK its just after 8 am so just finishing my first cup of coffee and waiting for my grandson to come up and list his stuff on ebay as its free listing day today.

  13. I'm awake because my wife wanted to do "the hipity-dipity" and now I can't get back to sleep.....

  14. hows the hangover or are you still at it

  15. I must have passed out on my keyboard, the dog has been sick all over my foot (never give a dog Beef Curry and Special Fried Rice even if they point at it on the menu with their paw), I think my partner is giving me the cold shoulder because when I went up stairs the laundry basket got thrown at me, and I have only got about a measure of gin left in the bottle and the offy doesn't open for another 45mins!!

  16. i haven't been to bed yet. what is mint gravy? do you mean mint jelly? enjoy your lunch.

  17. LIVER. And bacon. You will do your liver in sauce!

  18. Im about to go to church so i can relate to any of you  but i did get drunk fr. night when i went to the club....

  19. I'm with you on the gin. Nothing steels you for the rigours of the day like a sturdy glass of gin.

  20. i have a feeling that by lunchtime you'll be passed out - no lamb for you!  either that or you'll eat it and then puke it all up!

  21. At work

  22. well im about to eat ... yes im hungry at this time.. and im not drunk yet SO ill just eat and probably just answer sum more questions... im not sleepy also... =)

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