
Yaz or Mirena? Which would you recommend? ?

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I'm about to go to my 6 week appointment after my pregnancy and I am debating between the two birth controls- Yaz and Mirena. My periods are extremely painful-in all reality the cramps were probably more painful than my contractions! I suffer from really harsh PMS symptoms with raging hormones to some pretty bad bloating.

Which would you recommend to me? I want to know which would be more reliable. I don't want another baby for a while. Abstinence is a no-go for me and condoms is a no-go for my boyfriend and myself since they irriate my skin.

Or if you know of a better Birth control method, please let me know! Thanks! (=




  1. Okay so two sides of my life. I take Yasmin, and am okay with it, but I still cramp but not nearly as bad as I used to. My sister was on pills, and then after she had my nephew she got Mirena, and she thinks it is great. Her comment to me this last week as I complained about my lil cramps was "I had to hurry up and pop out a baby to get it though." :)  We are prety similar as far as how harsh our periods can be.  

  2. I don't know anything about Mirena, but I do take Yaz and am really happy with it. I don't PMS at all, which is fantastic, and my periods are much lighter. I cramp less too. You have to remember to take one ever night, but once you get into the habit it's easy to just take one at dinnertime or before bed.

  3. I love Mirena. And its really great for women who suffer from extreme periods. I have severe cramps too. Mirena not only lightens your periods, but its even common for women to not have periods anymore. But don't worry, this is completely normal & doesn't affect your fertility after Mirena is removed.

    As far as Yaz-  I know you have to be real cautious to not forget any pills. "The 24 pink active pills and the 4 white inactive pills work together. When you take all of your 24 active pills, YAZ is 99% effective at preventing pregnancy when taken as directed. Skipping pills - even just 1 - increases your risk of becoming pregnant."

    As far as bleeding with YAZ- "This happens between periods. You may have "spotting" that looks like a light stain. Or you might have "breakthrough bleeding," which is more like a period. If this happens, don't be alarmed. "Spotting" and "breakthrough bleeding" is normal. "

    Othro Tri Cyclen Lo (the pill) worked real well. It calmed my periods down. But I just hate taking a pill everyday. I wanted something that requires very little attention.

    I also wouldn't recommend Implanon (implant in your arm). It lasts for 3 years, but not good for your periods. Kinda going reverse actually. And same with the copper IUD- Similar effect.

  4. Mirena. you dont even have to worry about it, and its reversible if you eventually want another baby. Ive heard nothing but bad things about yaz from people who have taken it.

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