
Yea, I'm an a*****e, What do you suggest I do?

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Ok well I was reading someone else's question thing, sayin he was an *** and well some of you gave answers, but we are two different types of a*****e.;_ylt=Ah0_yF4H2M132XoQrkzPgQDe7BR.;_ylv=3?link=list&sid=396545165 < thats his.

My a*****e-ness revolves around...Enjoying it?

See, I am in fact and a*****e, but I don't have trouble making friends, I'm not shy, I don't mind confrontation, heck i work for a radio station.

I am just, simply, a d**k, and I like being that way cause it makes me laugh to watch others get mad or lose their minds.

But although i love it, i can't keep doing that all my life cause lets face it, karma will bite me in the *** about it later.

What do you people think i should do about it, if you have any suggestions on how I can work on Stop being an ***, i would appreciate.

This one answer i found said to read a bible and pray. Yea, no religious stuff, no im not against it, but i just want to find ways that will actually WORK. Thanks.




  1. Have you ever been really hurt by something that someone has said to you?  

    Think about how that feels, and then consider if you really think it&#039;s worth it that you get a little amusement at that price.  

    I know it&#039;s hard to refrain from making a clever comment sometimes.  It can be almost irresistible to show off how smart you are, right?  But a truly intelligent person doesn&#039;t need to keep proving that he is intelligent to all and sundry.  That&#039;s just the mark of insecurity.  Real intelligence is secure enough in itself that perpetual proof is not necessary.  I have a relative who is truly brilliant, no question.  But he is sarcastic and hurtful, and quite simply, I don&#039;t want to be around him. And I love him, I really do, and wish him only good, but I dread the times when he visits because of his barbed comments, criticism, and inconsiderate behaviour in general       He is also very insecure.  And while I feel sorry for him, I am loath to offer real comfort because I don&#039;t want to get hurt by his nasty comments.  

    Please do try to give your internal editor a little more veto power before you speak.  Doing that might might ultimately make you a happier person.

    For laughs at noone else&#039;s expense, try reading Terry Pratchett&#039;s &quot;Discworld&quot; series.  

    And good luck.  Not that you necessarily care what I think, but I do applaud you for making an effort.

  2. I don&#039;t know what to say to you.. As you have said it will come back to bite you in the butt.. Hopefully you don&#039;t come up to the wrong person acting that way and you end up losing your life.. I don&#039;t tell you this to try and scare you. I Tell you this because there is a good chance you will tick off the wrong person and when you do your going to be sorry paying a price.. Maybe more of a price then you think.. You sound from what your saying very immature and lack self control... Maybe as a result of being spoiled as a child.. The majority of people I have met who make no apologies for rude behavior or treating others badly were very spoiled by parents. Or came into some kind of quick success or money not merited by their own hard work.. And because of that they had and attitude problem such as you.. I personally would go see a pastor of a good Church and set up a counseling session with him.. Something tells me you won&#039;t do that.. But I thought I would throw it out there anyways.. Hope this helps you... Blessings from God..

  3. &#039;&#039;&#039;You sound from what your saying very immature and lack self control... Maybe as a result of being spoiled as a child.. &#039;&#039;&#039;

    OMG, who is that guy... really... go back to community collage and finish that phyc degree, its going well so far! Loser!

    Anyway, why do you wanna stop being an a**hole? its brilliant, I&#039;m basically never bored, I mean right now I&#039;m at work, where I have to be ultra-nice and still the only thing that has brought a smile to my face today is going on the internet and annoying people I don&#039;t know and will never meet, I worry about the Karma thing too, but I&#039;ve got a full proof plan, if Karma comes after me... I&#039;m gonna kick it in the crouch and simply run away! !!!! I know, how could it fail?!

    Here&#039;s a class phase for all fellow a**holes out there;

    I&#039;ll do what I want! Kid.

  4. How about developing some empathy?  When you&#039;re an ***, make yourself stop and really consider how the other person is feeling right now.  Do you want to be treated that way?  Do you want to feel that way?  

    I hope that doesn&#039;t sound too stupid, and maybe it&#039;s because I have this innate thing to be a people pleaser, so I always consider what my words or actions will do to someone else, and the thought of making them angry or embarrassed or hurt, just kills me.  

  5. if you are comparing spirituality to &quot;magic&quot; - that&#039;s why it&#039;s not working for you. you don&#039;t believe it in the first place!

  6. Forget about the kama side of it, it sounds like you&#039;ve got so much bad kama in your account that there won&#039;t be enough time left in this lifetime to cancel it out.  Like smoking, if you want to quit...cold turkey is the best way.  Be careful though when &#039;biting your tongue&#039; that you don&#039;t damage it too need it for your radio job.

    Failing that approach, you can try doing 2 nice things for every 1 d**k thing you do.  Sort of work your way slowly out of dickdom.

    Failing that approach, try to gradually reduce the severiry of your level at a time.  First you&#039;ll have to rate the things you do.

    Failing that approach...give in and carry on being a d**k..let&#039;s face;s fun isn&#039;t it?

  7. Learn some manners

  8. Well, you&#039;ve taken the first step. You know your behavior doesn&#039;t appeal to everyone. I&#039;m guessing that someday you&#039;ll just naturally make the transformation into a little more tolerable person. Until then, just hold back a little. Bite your tongue occasionally. Watch your language.......

  9. I can only suggest you buy a toilet roll for when you are speaking verbal diarrhea, what goes in, comes out, especially if you are, like you said, an a*****e

  10. You are so cute - read the Bible and pray which you don&#039;t think will actually WORK.  Well - if you ain&#039;t tried it, don&#039;t knock it.  I do suggest, however, that you first pray and then you will have the desire to read God&#039;s Handbook to a happy and fulfilled Life.  Other than that, you&#039;ll have to rely upon your own strength to cure you.

  11. If that&#039;s your personality, then so what.  Everyone needs a villian in their lives to talk about or they would be bored to death.  You have friends so maybe your being to hard on yourself.  It&#039;s just as irritating to me to be around someone who&#039;s overbearing as someone who is overly sensitive. I personally like people who make things a little more interesting.    

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